Welcome to the Los Angeles-Pasadena Base/USSVI Website
We are a fraternal orginazation of U.S. Submariners.
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Naval Weapons Station, 800 Seal Beach Blvd., Bldg. 6, Seal Beach, CA
We meet at 1100 on the 3rd Saturday of each month.
Memorial West
Located just north of U.S. Submarine Veterans Highway on the exterior grounds of Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station sits a “Living Memorial.” This tree-lined, World War II Memorial, dedicated in 1977 pays tribute to the 52 lost submarines and 3505 men who perished. The site is also the home of two other monuments dedicated to the Cold War losses of Thresher and Scorpion. Click on the picture to go to the website.
Commander's Corner
Welcome to the Los Angeles-Pasadena/USSVI base website. We hope you find something here that interests you and that you share your visit with family and friends, especially submarine veterans. We are always interested in visitor comments and suggestions on how to improve this site.
Dave Vanderveen,
Base Commander
LAP/USSVI Base Membership
Los Angeles-Pasadena/USSVI base members invite all submarine veterans to join us on the third Saturday of each month to help perpetuate the memory of all those who gave their lives while serving in submarines and to enjoy sharing sea stories with your shipmates. The only eligibility requirement for USSVI membership is you must have qualified on at least one submarine. Click on Photo above or here, for a downloadable pdf of our membership application.
Staying Up To Date

Check here for upcoming events, guest speakers, and other current happenings at the Los Angeles-Pasadena Base/USSVI at the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station, Bldg. 6, Seal Beach, CA. We meet the third Saturday of every month usually with an E-Board meeting and social hour at 11:00 AM, potluck lunch 12:00 N - 1:00 PM followed by a general meeting and occasional guest speaker. Any variations to this general schedule will be posted here to keep you up to date.
Latest Scoop

The Latest Scoop provides members and prospective members with information regarding what's happening and what is about to happen at the base. It will include member information, binnacle lists, special programs, submarine memorial project status, and similar items considered of interest to our members.
Western Region Roundoup Information at this link: http://www.wrroundup.com
Past Special Events

The Past Special Events content includes, as the title suggests, recent events enjoyed by LAP/USSVI Base members such as the USS Iowa tour hosted by our very own Dave Vanderveen, Base Treasurer, and USS Iowa Tour volunteer who did a wonderful job of guiding our group through this remarkable ship providing an informative narrative at every point of interest. Events like this will be featured here to keep members not able to attend informed of the kinds of activities provided and coordinated by base officers and other volunteers.
Purpose of U. S. Submarine Veterans, Inc.
Our purpose is to "Perpetuate the memory of our shipmates
who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties
while serving their country. That their dedication,
deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of
motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge
loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America
and its Constitution.
In addition to perpetuating the memory of departed
shipmates, we shall provide a way for all Submariners to
gather for the mutual benefit and enjoyment. Our
common heritage as Submariners shall be strengthened by
camaraderie. We support a strong U.S. Submarine Force.
The organization will engage in various projects and
deeds that will bring about the perpetual remembrance of
those shipmates who have given the supreme sacrifice.
The organization will also endeavor to educate all third
parties it comes in contact with about the services our
submarine brothers performed and how their sacrifices
made possible the freedom and lifestyle we enjoy today."
That's our PURPOSE above, but it's not who we are: We are all
United States
Submariners! Whether currently Active, Retired, Reserve or a Honorably
discharged veteran, we all were and some still are members of the elite underseas fighting force of the United States Navy. We are all volunteers who
passed stringent testing, challenging training and we proved our mettle when we
earned the coveted designation "QUALIFIED IN SUBMARINES". Whether your dolphins
are gold or silver, there is no expiration date on the back of that precious
And, whether you are/were a "E-2", a "4 Star" or anything in between -
If you
are QUALIFIED IN SUBMARINES and are serving or have honorably served, you belong
in United States Submarine Veterans Inc. We have approximately 162 local Bases
(chapters) from Pearl Harbor to Portsmouth, NH, including four Internet bases.
Our members are from every state in the Union. In addition to local area
meetings held throughout the year we also hold a National Convention in a
different city every year.
Our members represent the 'tribal' memory of the Submarine Force. Included are
submariners from the very early boats: S, R or earlier: WWII boats; post-war
GUPPY boats and FBM and Fast Attack submariners. Our magazine, AMERICAN
SUBMARINER, is widely recognized as a valuable historical resource for submarine
If you want to learn submarine history from the people who wrote it, tell or
hear sea stories from Pre-WWII, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Cold War or right now,
USSVI is the place to do it. If you want to find shipmates, plan or attend a
boat reunion, or just share a common bond that never goes away, USSVI is the
So if you are not yet a member, downladder thru the hatch, grab a black and
bitter and join with your new crew in USSVI! You'll be glad you did.